Explorer's Rock
"What the hell is he doing out there?"
"Standing on a rock. Well, not standing actually, that spike is sort of holding
him down."
"Yeah, thanks. Got that. Why is the real question."
"You're not going to like this. You know that headquarters guy we had to bring
"Can barely operate his suit."
"Yeah, well, he's a PR guy."
"That explains a lot."
"Yeah, he's got Stiles out there standing on a rock and looking off at the
wonders of the universe."
"I got that part too, still haven't answered the question."
"It's a photo-op for the new recruiting drive. It'll make a great poster."
"I.... yeah, whatever. I'm going to lunch. Let me know when we're ready to do
some real exploring."
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by Geir Lanesskog, All Rights Reserved
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