So, for some
reason, you want to borrow some of my content. Well, no there's accounting for taste.
The main purpose for this site is to express my ideas, art and miscellaneous
rantings. This web site and the information created on it are not intended
for profit, though I am not opposed to monetary remuneration. If you would
like to include my content, I'm not necessarily asking for a pile of cash, all I
want is the following:
- Please email me at the contact address below (note: the address is an
image file in a vain attempt to deter junk mail, so you'll have to type it
out). If I reply with an affirmative, go ahead and borrow my stuff.
- If you make a buck off my content, then I want a cut, to be negotiated
prior to you borrowing the content. If you make a buck off my stuff
and don't tell me, I reserve the right to demand that you stop using my content
- If you borrow my content, please state so clearly on your site, note the
content with © Geir Lanesskog (or on images that
contain the copyright, retain that information on the image) and
provide a link back to my site either by the content or in a bibliography
- That's all I can think of at this point, but I reserve the right to
change my mind. Check this page before using any content to get my
current feelings on the matter.
All pages and images ©1999 - 2016
by Geir Lanesskog, All Rights Reserved
Usage Policy