First Defender
The Damn Marvins think they own the whole system now. Sure, they swept
through the Jovians and took Saturn, but now they're stretched too thin. Every
time they try to send another ship through the Belt, we'll be waiting. We'll
pick them off one by one. Yeah, the big convoys will get through, but for every
concentration of force, they'll just leave that much more exposed.
They're used to worlds with air and water and life. Out here, it's rock and ice
and cold hard vacuum. We know how to survive in this. They cower in fortified
bases, cut off from light and food. It's just a matter of time. They own the
planets. We own the space between. Let them choke on their dust.
Commander Lucinda Furney, ABG Draco DA08, 9 August 2520
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