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Eenikiti |
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Homeworld: |
Eenititee, Sector -01,+09,-02 | |||
Ecology: |
Nitrogen-Oxygen-Water (H:D:0:7) | |||
Biology: |
DNA I | |||
Languages: |
Grand Federation A | |||
Human Contact: |
3236CE | |||
FTL Status: |
63,325BC Indigenous macrojump | |||
Current Status: |
Grand Federation Primary Race from founding | |||
Environment |
Ideal |
Tolerance |
Atmosphere: |
.25B O2 | .15-.35B O2; CO2 < .03B | ||
Temperature: |
300K | 0.12-0.75G | ||
Gravity: |
0.69G | 0.12-0.75G | ||
Other: |
Humidity 50% | Humidity 15-99% |
The Eenikiti are one of the most powerful Grand Federation Primary Races. A dominant Oxygen breather Race since the Grand Federation's founding, the Eenikiti are arrogant, ritualistic, and generally hostile toward Humanity.
The Eenikiti adult is a nearly three meter tall thin bilateral biped hexaform notable for a narrow beaked head with two large side-mounted silvery eyes. The four manipulative arms end in long six-fingered hands and the two legs end in circular hoofed feet. The Eenikiti head contains two narrow breathing slits, located between the eyes, and dual auditory channel slits under each eye. The Eenikiti body is covered in a dark gray scaly skin that clings tightly to a prominent rib cage and barrel-like hip assembly. Eenikiti of both sexes tend to wear ornate headdresses that further extenuate their height and colorful body wraps that leave the limbs exposed. Only males will wear metallic belts, collars and bracelets.
The Eenikiti consist of two outwardly identical sexes. They evolved from life-paired savannah hunters on their low (.69g) gravity homeworld, eventually forming extended cooperative groups to defeat larger game. Eenikiti young are hatched from solitary eggs and spend their first two years in an unintelligent grub stage, protected and fed by their parents. After a brief pupa stage, a two meter tall young adult Eenikiti emerges and begins its place in Eenikiti society. The Eenikiti have always had gender equality in decision making and occupations, though males tend to be more volatile and flamboyant and comprise over 70% of military ranks. Modern Eenikiti still mate for life, but breeding now occurs only once every few hundred years.
Modern Eenikiti society is hierarchal and layered in elaborate ritual. Status of individuals and their families rise and fall on both achievement and relations with patrons and clients within society. Most Eenikiti are very concerned with appearances, propriety and protocol. They believe their race to be superior and their society to have reached near perfection, as a result, relations with other races can be prickly, especially if those races do not show the Eenikiti the respect they demand. The Eenikiti have colonized over 8,000 oxygen-nitrogen-water worlds, preferring gravities below .75 standard.
The Eenikiti were always long-lived, with pre-medical life spans of over two hundred years. Modern enhancements have lengthened the Eenikiti life span to nearly 5,000 years, with a life expectancy of nearly 3,000 years. The Eenikiti do not retain religious beliefs, and their dead are cremated in an elaborate Celebration of Remembrance ceremony attended by family, patrons and clients.
The Eenikiti slowly developed a unified technological society on their homeworld. In response to drastic declines in prey, they developed a herding-farming society, domesticating a variety of mobile animals and planting colonies of sessile prey. Under population pressure, they spread from their home continent, eventually establishing a planet-wide society linked by trade and political ties. The Eenikiti developed fusion power generation and then spaceflight in approximately 65,000BC and launched two sub-light generation ships before developing macrojump drive in 63,325BC. Contact with the Founders soon followed, and the Eenikiti became one of the founding Primary Races of the Grand Federation in 59,489BC.
The Eenikiti became the dominant military power during the Founders Era of the Grand Federation, using their worm drive military fleets to keep the peace and interdict systems throughout the Federation. After the withdrawal of the Founders, the Eenikiti became linked with the Conservative faction, mostly out of distaste for the Teechiri and distrust of all superstition, but also because they believed their society to have already reached its highest level. The Eenikiti took a leading role in the Consolidation Wars, being only one of two races to employ planetbusters, and continued to be the major force for order, expansion, and even exploration in the period that followed. During this period, they also cultivated the Khabadera as a promising young race.
Always suspicious and jealous of the Heshar, the Eenikiti fought viciously against them in the War of Liberation and afterwards saw themselves as the clear leaders of oxygen-breathing races in the Grand Federation, a position acknowledged even by the prideful Khabaderans. Not surprisingly, the Eenikiti were not cordial with the emerging Empire of Humanity, and fought hard against the Empire in all the wars between 3413 and 3854CE. Those Eenikiti that lived within the treaty border with the Empire migrated back to Grand Federation Space, though the several hundred million migrants were few compared to the Khabaderan Great Retreat.
The Eenikiti number more than five trillion individuals, mostly residing on their eight thousand settled worlds. Eenikiti government and society remains hostile to Humanity, seeing them as a threat to Eenikiti superiority. They consider Humans to be immature, uncultured and dangerous and have fought to limit Human influence within the Grand Federation. In addition to their hostility to Humanity, the Eenikiti have poor relations with their occasional allies the Un'aa'graum and they remain suspicious of both the Zhretra and the Tze't, whom they see as unnatural and disruptive elements. The Eenikiti retain cordial relationships with the Dantum, Hubas and Fontan, whom they see as the leaders of their respective ecological domains.
Eenikiti mostly travel and work in family units, though grubs always remain in protected compounds on Eenikiti breeding worlds; they employ clients of lesser oxygen-breathing races to handle most contact with other races and have taken to avoiding any direct contact with Humanity
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