This section contains some of my short stories and character sketches. It does not contain stories I'm still submitting for publication, so this section really contains only my poorer or more unconventional works. For the published ones (okay, one), check out Sailing the Sky Sea on Amazon or Kobo.
These stories are my practice and character development attempts for the characters and background for The Needle and the Skull (the novel that still needs lots of work). Some of the sketches are not meant to stand alone, some are.
These two were honorable mentions in L Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future Contest:
These two have been incorporated into the Preface of The Needle and the Skull:
(Fritz doesn't really have a resume, but a the suggestion of a friend, I did fake up a Bounty Hunter trading card for him)
This one is too strange for publication:
The others might get submitted for publishing in the future, so they're off the site until I give up on them.
Here's another story that I wrote some time back. I have more, but they're not edited well enough or of high enough quality for me to want to share them.
Dark Angels Falling (From 2002)
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by Geir Lanesskog, All Rights Reserved
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