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Resume Section

This section contains pertinent information about my professional life.  I have made available current resume and background information, updated periodically.  The presence of this information does not imply that I am actively looking for alternate employment, but I'm always willing to discuss interesting offers.

I have been paid to work with and around computer systems since 1985.  Beginning shortly after receiving my MBA at the end of 1989, I have held a variety of full-time positions either actively managing or consulting about the implementation and operations of Intel-based server and messaging systems. 

Currently, I'm an Infrastructure Systems Architect for the Snohomish County PUD.  That basically means I lead the Server Admin team for a fairly large public utility.

  My updated (February 2011) resume is only available as a Microsoft Word document:

Current Resume

See also my LinkedIn profile

~2005 supplemental information is available (html only) from these links:

Job History
Major Projects



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